Tag Archives: Education

Toung Loong Donates “Rehoboth Toung Loong Education Building” to Guang Hua Mandarin School in Doi Chang Village, Northern Thailand

Toung Loong Textile MFG. offers his support to the international community. Through supporting Guang Hua Mandarin School, Toung Loong helps disadvantaged families in Doi Chang Village in the remote area of Ching Rai, Northern Thailand. Chinese learning and community caring give disadvantaged families and children more chances and hope for their future. Toung Loong already donated restroom facility to the school. In 2015, Toung Loong donates the education building for Guang Hua.

The Groundbreaking Ceremony of Rehoboth Toung Loong Education Building took place in Guang Hua Mandarin School in Doi Chang Village, Ching Rai in Thailand, on October 30th, 2015. Guang Hua showed his gratitude to the donation from Toung Loong Textile MFG. with the singing performances of the students. The ceremony was a success with participants from Taiwan, local residents, students and staffs of the school. Rehoboth Toung Loong Education Building will be a three stories building. The first level will have four classrooms, the second level will have a computer classroom and a library, and the third floor will be the school dormitory.

Speech selections from the groundbreaking ceremony

Professor Chihmou, President of Chinese Rock Leadership Association: We plan to transfer control of the school back to Doi Chang Village in ten years. In the next 9 years, we wish more and more people from the village can come to join us. Make Doi Chang pride of Thailand. Let’s walk together and work together.

Principle Jennifer Lee: Economy of Southeast Asia is getting better and better. If our children learn Chinese, it will help them a lot in their future. Here, we don’t care if students are Lisu, Akha, Chinese or Wa people. Learning together allows our community to better. When kids leave the village and work in other places when they grow up, they can proudly claim they are from Doi Chang. I want to see this place cultivate the best talents.

Toung Loong Representative Miss Ingrid Chen: I see a lot changes in this trip, more beautiful flowers, landscaping and wall painting. I wish not only the students but the residents of the whole village can have a better chance for education when the education building complete in the future. Best wishes for everyone.

Disadvantaged Families in Doi Chang Village
Doi Chang Village has plenty disadvantaged families, some are suffering from domestic violence and some are single-parent families which couldn’t have a regular income to support themselves. While some families are refugees without residence identities, they can’t obtain legal jobs, suffer from discrimination and cannot receive the fair amount of working wage.

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by | October 30, 2015 · 7:00 pm